In a 1980s fantasy world where monsters live amongst man, Iggy Cromwell is a Magic Cop! With his Magic wand and his wolfman partner they rid the neon streets of magical drug dealers and mermaid prostitutes. Fast Cars, Hot babes and even Hotter Crime, and the only cop with the wand toe deal with is is Magic Cop!


Greywulf Silvermoon

A lychan who clawed his way to the top detective position on the Ambrosia K.N.I.T.E.s team. Until the tragic death of his daughter sent his life spiraling out of control and his career in a slump.


A mix of magic and muscle. O’hara is born of a leprechaun mother and a Giant father, making him a rare breed. Often seen with a smile on his face and sandwich in his hand.

Ignatius Cromwell

Iggy Cromwell comes from a long line of Magic Cops, with his magic wand being handed down from generation to generation. After becoming a detective straight out of the academy, he now cleans up the streets of Ambrosia with the power of his wand.

Helly Nightshade

K.N.I.T.E.s Special Spells expert. Helly is 100% witch, conjuring disguises and often posing as a woman of the night in stings for the team.